Sunday, December 7, 2014

December 7, 2014

Hari Om!!

      We started the class with the daily prayers. The 2 dohe and the first Caupai of Hanuman Chalisa were covered today. In order to make it easily understandable, the sanskrit verses were broken into single words and the english meanings of those words were taught to the students. The students also learnt about the importance of Guru immediately after the first doha (where the poet purifies himself with the dust of the lotus feet of Guru) and recited the Guru Shloka.

     The poet Tulisdas seeks Lord Hanuman to bless him with strength, wisdom & knowledge and to banish all his afflictions in the second doha. To understand why all the 3 qualities (strength, wisdom & knowledge) must stay together and why each of them do not serve any purpose without the other two was illustrated with an example of how much a computer could be of help to a person without the existence of internet or Google. We then moved on to learn the importance of wind God and how Lord Hanuman has acquired the quality of his father, the wind God, who is invisible yet powerful.

    The first caupai praises the Lord with beautiful words of the poet and leading to Lord Indra's story that summarizes how Hanuman as a baby got all the powers from the Gods. Lord Hanuman was also the minister of Sugriva and was a Lord without even being crowned. Because he was not ruling a piece of land, but was ruling the hearts of people. The students had an activity to list down all the bad qualities and the good qualities residing in their hearts and they promised to remove all the bad ones and retain the good qualities. Homework is an important tool for learning and all the students are encouraged to complete the homework assigned.Vedant recited almost all the verses of Hanuman Chalisa in the class today. Please see below for this week's homework.

  Homework : We shall carry forward the homework from the last class. The first 5 verses of  Hanuman Chalisa from the individual portion listed in the earlier blog. 

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